Hi friends, the Save Our White Horse  campaign has one simple aim – to work hard to get your pub back. We’ve been organising Pop-Up pubs for quite a while now – but why? What’s the aim of these evenings?

To answer that, it’s worth thinking back to the Pop-Up pubs we’ve had in the past.  They’ve all been really successful in doing one important thing – bringing our local community together for an enjoyable evening and reminding people what’s been lost. And what can be done to get it back.

Right across the country, big brewery and pubco owned pubs are closing at an alarming rate. Like our own White Horse, which has been sitting empty and allowed to rot, communities are being robbed of perhaps their most precious asset. But now people they are fighting back. There are currently 174 UK pubs which are community owned, with 482 other communities currently campaigning just like us to get their pubs back. Against a backdrop of other pub failures nationwide running at around 2 per day, community pubs are succeeding – with a long term business survival rate of over 98%.

We want you to have your pub back. And with your support, that’s just what we’ll do. Every day our campaign gathers strength, as more and more people begin to see the viability of what we’re doing and lend their support.

And we’re not just engaging our local community, we’re also drawing in support from local and national politicians, our expert advisors at Plunkett UK and CAMRA – and our friends at other highly successful community pubs. The picture is looking more and more positive for us all. Come to the next Pop-Up Pub at The Dacre Rooms, High Street, Kimpton on Friday 8 March from 18:00 and we’ll bring you up to date with all that’s happening.

Our partner for this next event is wonderful local beer company The 3 Brewers of St Albans. As usual there will be a full range of drinks, hot food options and superb musical entertainment.

We look forward to welcoming you and updating you on all that’s happening with the campaign.

If you would like to stay informed on the campaign, please sign up to our supporters list via this link and we will ensure you get very occasional updates.